Thursday 26 April 2012



  1. 1 - raw plantain (raw banana pieces)
  2. 2 - radish (pieces)
  3. 1 - potato (pieces)
  4. 1 - brinjal (pieces)
  5. 1 - bitter gourd (small pieces)
  6. 1 ½ - tbsp mustard seeds
  7. 1 ½ - tbsp fenugreek seeds
  8. 2 - tbsp poppy seeds
  9. Salt To Taste
  10. Red chilli powder (to taste)
  11. 1 tbsp oil


Soak 1 tbsp each of mustard, poppy, and fenugreek seeds in ½ cup of water for 10 – 15 mins. Blend to make a paste.

In a microwave safe bowl microwave oil at 100% power for 30 secs.

Add ½ tbsp each of mustard, poppy and fenugreek seeds and microwave at 100% power for 2 mins.
Add sliced vegetables and ½ cup of water. Microwave covered for 7 – 8 mins at 100% power.
Add the prepared poppy, mustard and fenugreek paste, salt and pepper stir it.
Microwave covered for 3 – 4 mins at 100% power. wait for 5 mins.
Serve hot with rice.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Mushur Daal



  1. Red Lentil/Mushur Daal -    2 cups
  2. Tomato 1 - (sliced into small pieces)
  3. Onion - 1/2 of a big onion, cut in fine slices.
  4. Turmeric powder -  1 tbsp.
  5. Salt -  1 tbsp.
  6. Coriander leaves - 2 Few leaves.
  7. Fenugreek seeds - 1 tbsp.
  8. Oil - 2 tbsp.
  9. Green chili -  3


Boil mushur daal in any saucepan with turmeric powder and salt. Then in a frying pan heat oil, then give fenugreek seeds, after it pops up give onion and stir then when onion becomes light brown give tomato and again stir for about 5 minutes. Now pour mushur daal into the frying pan and give coriander leaves and green chilies. Serve it  with hot rice and fry.

Sorshe Ilish


  1. 5 pieces of Hilsa Fish / Ilish Mach
  2. 2 tbsp Mustard powder
  3. 1 tsp Turmeric powder
  4. 1/2 tsp Kala jira / nigella seeds
  5. 1 tsp Red chilly powder
  6. 6 Green chillies
  7. 4 tbsp Mustard oil
  8. Add salt according to your taste
  9. 2 cups of Water


Rub the fish pieces with some salt and a pinch of turmeric powder and keep aside for 1/2 hour. Heat mustard oil in a cast iron wok and on smoking point gently slide the fish pieces into the oil. Lightly fry it from both the sides and keep aside.

If you are using mustard powder (I've used mustard powder in my case) soak 2 tbsp of mustard powder in lukewarm water along with a pinch of salt and green chilly for 10-15 minutes.

If you are using mustard seeds, then soak this in 2 tbsp of lukewarm water with green chilly and a pinch of salt for 10-15 minutes. Then grind till you get a smooth paste, strain the liquid from the residues and keep the mustard liquid aside for later use.

Heat the remaining oil and when it starts smoking and add kala jira (nigella seeds). Add slit green chillies, red chilly powder, turmeric powder and pour in the already prepared paste. Add water and bring it to boil. Gently slide the fried fishes and adjust the salt as per taste. Cover with lid and let it cook on low flame for 10 minutes or until you get the desired consistency of the gravy. Garnish with slit green chilly and 1 tsp of mustard oil for that extra pungent flavor. Serve hot with steamed rice.